The title of this post is actually what I googled when I was running into a specific problem where a CSV file I was importing had double quotes in the file like this:
# my_file.csv
First Field|Second Field|Third Field
With a Postgres table like this (I'm using 9.5.1):
-- create_table.sql
"First Field" char(50),
"Second Field" char(50),
"Third Field" char(50)
Now, most CSV implementations will treat the double quote as a way to quote things together (in fact, Postgres goes into great detail on this about the CSV format) so when you try to import the file, you'll just get this cryptic error:
my_database=# COPY "My_Table" FROM '/Users/mark.campbell/my_file.csv' DELIMITER '|' CSV HEADER;
ERROR: unterminated CSV quoted field
CONTEXT: COPY My_Table, line 4: "Foo"|Bar|Baz
Time: 1.887 ms
The solution to this is to escape it with… you guessed it, 4 double quotes (no, I'm not kidding). Here's the updated file:
# my_file.csv
First Field|Second Field|Third Field
Here's it working:
my_database=# COPY "My_Table" FROM '/Users/mark.campbell/my_file.csv' DELIMITER '|' CSV HEADER;
Time: 1.557 ms
my_database=# select * from "My_Table";
-[ RECORD 1 ]+---------------------------------------------------
First Field | Foo"
Second Field | Bar
Third Field | Baz
Time: 0.615 ms
Alright, that's all for now!